Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Our geologists learned three new vocabulary words today; opaque, translucent and transparent. They each used a flashlight to identify what degree of light shines through each mineral.

Jeziel has a mineral that's translucent.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Creative Writing

Composing our pieces on the laptops!

Special Guest

Today we had a special visitor join us for a bit. It was Mrs. Lowden's new puppy Hazel! She's so adorable.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


We headed out into the community to hang our BE KIND bells. We met a friendly woman while at the senior center looking for the perfect places for our bells. When she saw what we were doing a HUGE smile came across her face and she thought the bells were a great idea. Mission accomplished!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Big Friends/ Little Friends

Big day today! We met our little friends from Miss. Helmrath's class. They made BE KIND bells that we plan to hang up down by the senior center this week.

Saturday, October 17, 2015


I'm very impressed with how everyone is attacking the word problems. They are asked to first try and think of what strategy (strategies) could be used to solve the problem, have a go, then we go over them together.

Responding to text

Today we talked about what qualities make a good judge.  The kids then dug deeper into the story to pull out text evidence to support their answer.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Marble Party

Our first marble party was celebrated by making homemade applesauce. Delicious!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Sharing thoughts

Here you see them sharing their thoughts about Destiny and her relationship with Mrs. Wade in the story DESTINY'S GIFT.


For the last week we've been talking about the importance of volunteering within the community. Today they shared what they wrote about ways they've helped here in our school community as well as in Cohoes.


As geologists we focused on two properties-shape and color.

Multiplication Cartons

Miss Rasmussen has been at it again! She worked all summer making us these great cartons to practice our times tables. We'll use them in school first and then they'll be sent home to use.

Partner Work

The students paired up with the task of reading a passage, discussing the story read, then responding to questions. While answering questions they needed to cite in the passage where they found their answers when possible. They did a great job working together!