Friday, December 11, 2015

Roberto Clemente

Today we are reading a biography on Clemente for the second time. We're looking for examples of what he did to become such a tremendous athlete.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Believe Day

Thank you once again to Mrs. Sencer for organizing BELIEVE DAY. With the help of many she transformed room 106 into the theme, CHARLIE BROWN'S CHRISTMAS. The room is amazing!

Everyone wrote a letter to Santa that will be brought to MACYS. Every letter MACYS will donate $1 to MAKE A WISH!

Holiday Concert

What a beautiful concert! I love listening to all the lovely voices.

STEM Field Trip

In November we had the opportunity to visit the Polytechnic Institute's Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering for NanoDiscovery Day! The trip was eye opening. The kids learned so much and had great questions to ask.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


We had our first dance performance. The children were phenomenal! We shared what we learned through dance about ancient Egypt. 

Our class was responsible for designing the PowerPoint that accompanied each dance. Kaelynn introduced each piece by sharing slides from our PowerPoint. She was amazing!


Here are some great pictures from our trip down to the Cohoes Bowling Alley.
Thank Mr. Walsh!