Thursday, May 26, 2016

Colony Collapse Disorder

What an article we read today! The kids had a great discussion on the various causes to the decline in honeybees. We then watched a video of a beekeeper sharing his concerns and how scientist are tracking the honeybee to see where they travel and where they're vanishing to.

Japanese Performance

Here you see a skyscraper before an earthquake standing still.

Here there was a crack at the fault line causing an earthquake. The skyscrapers then sway to protect themselves from structural damage.

A tsunamis however takes out anything in its path.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Look at our plants now! We needed a yardstick to record the height of one particular bean plant.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Our plants have germinated! We have zinnias, snap peas, sunflowers, and beans.

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Dissecting a Lima bean.

Global Youth Day!

Friday all our third graders headed down to the bowling alley to help clean up the grounds. They worked hard and it looks great!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Earthquakes and Tsunamis

We've begun our new unit in social studies on Japan. Today we talked about how this country lies along the fault line and therefore experiences both earthquakes and tsunamis. 

In the pictures you will see the students using their bodies to show what happens after the plates rub together and cause a crack in the tectonic plates.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


What fun we had reading a trickster tale. We laughed when we read how clever Hare was in outwitting Bear. Ask your child to share with you what Hare did. Have them tell you the message the author wanted us to walk away with after reading TOPS AND BOTTOMS.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Honeybee Business

Once again Scotia Glenville Museum did a tremendous job sharing their knowledge about honeybees. We also had a chance to make our own hive!